John Mahoney Management. Theatrical agency since 1960. If you would like further information on us, or our clients, please call or write to:
Stephen Holroyd & Alan Kite
John Mahoney Management
Concorde House, 18 Margaret Street, Brighton BN2 1TS
+44 (0)1273 685970 | info AT
If you wish to contact us regarding representation please check our Applications page for our requirements before submitting your details.
If you need to speak to us outside of office hours, please call our main number and you will be automatically redirected to our mobile phones.
Please click here to find us.
To reach us by train: simply walk straight ahead out of Brighton railway station and turn left when you reach the seafront. Turn left again onto Margaret Street after you have passed Legends Hotel (approximately 20 minutes' walk.)
John Mahoney Management was founded back in the 1960s by the late and much lamented John Mahoney, who died in 1988. Derek (Bo) Keller joined the agency in 1985 and continued to work right up until his death in early 2018. We are very grateful for thirty three years of dedicated service he gave to the agency. Stephen Holroyd, who has been associated with the theatre side of the agency for many years, joined the agency on a permanent basis in 2007 and Alan Kite, with a background in arts and theatre administration, joined in 2008; both are now equal partners in John Mahoney Management.
The reputation of John Mahoney Management has been sustained over many years, by delivering reliable artists, whose skills most closely fit the requirements of casting briefs that we are sent, together with the professional conduct of our clients and regular communication with both artists and casting directors alike.
Our agency is founded on a policy of quality, not quantity, and endeavours to maintain the highest professional standards at all times. We aim to meet casting briefs accurately and only suggest more than one of our clients for a specific role if the brief is very open. Representation is a very important role for us and to maintain a quality service to our clients, we do not duplicate actors of the same gender, age and skills. We believe in loyalty; from us to our clients - some of whom have been with us for over forty years - and equally from our clients to us.
This industry is all about making good impressions and useful contacts; we treat performing arts as a business and it is important for our clients to be able to do the same. Each client is schooled by us to enable them to play their part in the communication process. Everyone in our office has come from a background in performance, the theatre and arts administration and therefore appreciates the hardships of this profession. We like to keep the agency as much like a family as possible; always remembering that your good fortune is our good fortune too. |